Monday, June 11, 2007

Saturday Brunch

Just getting some use out of our deck. Wendy made french toast with strawberry's or peaches and we enjoyed eating them in the nice spring weather.


Kindall Klan said...
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Kindall Klan said...

What fun! Wish we were there, the food sounds yummo, and Wendy, you look gorgeous as usual!! :)
hugs, mistie

Craig said...

Wendy, is that a knife in your hand? Can you have knives at your house? Who unlocked the knife drawer? Careful or they will take you back to "the home".
All kidding aside... I would love to have breakfast with your family on your deck (knife or no knife).

OMA AND OPA said...

That looks so good! Remember, I just live across the field just a hop skip and a jump and I could be there before those hotcakes get cold!