Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day

I had a great father's day! It started at 6:30 a.m. with Bishopric meeting. Wendy was kind enough to make orange rolls for all of us, and also sent me with a quart of milk. Her and the kids also gave me a new fishing pole, and a couple pair of shorts.

However, the day didn't go so well for Wendy. Not only did she have to fight Walker (who does not like church), but the lambs got out, and her and girls had to chase them across the neighbors lawn in their dresses. I think she was ready to turn those lambs into.....

With the help of the neighbor boys they were able
to catch the m and make it to church on time. Believe it or not, but they got out again that night, and thanks to Addison we able to catch them again. Anybody up for a BBQ?


Craig said...

The lamb on the plate looks like my kind of 4-H project.
Chasing animals must be an Oakley thing. Maybe Wendy can coin a new cuss word... LAMBIT!

Kindall Klan said...

ok, I really do feel sorry for Wendy and the girls, chasing the lambs across the field in their dresses.... but one day maybe she'll be able to chuckle about it as we are :)

christy jensen said...

Oh so sorry to hear about the lamb's escape. Wendy and the girls chasing them would have actually been a much funnier picture to see! good luck with your adventure at the fair-(and I'm certainly glad it's not me)

Earl Family said...

Okay now that is stinkin' funny. I know the girls would beg to differ - but what great memories they are making. I wish I could have been a fly on the lamb watching it happen.

mom and dad said...

Too funny. Heard about it all over church. Memories,......