Friday, April 2, 2010

After school snack

Went over to mom and dad's this afternoon and sitting on the counter was some chocolate cookies. Brought me back to my childhood days (the last time I think I had those cookies) when we would come home from school and mom would have a note (with a list of chores) and a snack. I remember having the chocolate cookies often. We has a green swivel chair that we would spin in, I remember spinning so much that I threw up chocolate cookies.
It was fun thinking of those memories today as I scarfed down 3 cookies in a matter of Seconds. Thanks mom, love ya.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


christy jensen said...

Awesome memory. I remember negotiating chore exchanges. I hated to dust and you would usually take my dusting if I took your vacuuming!!

mom Tolmanb said...

I wish I had kept the book that had chores listed for each one of my kids.Maybe they would have burned it though. Hopefully, I had cookies for them too. :) Would hate to have your mom show me up. ( just kidding, she always did ).

Unknown said...

too funny - but the thought going through my head as i clicked on "comments" was "awesome memory kev!" funny that that was christy's!
awesome memory kev!