Monday, July 16, 2007

Rabbit Food

Last Saturday Night, Walker, Whitney & I drove up to Jared Mitton's place and met Kerry and Hayden, Jared, and Mark and few of his boys and we hunted Jack Rabbits out of Jared's fields. We ended up slaughtering about 50 rabbits by the end of the evening. We also got a big rattle snake. That took out some of the fun.

During the hunt, Walker kept complaining that he wanted to go home because he had to go pottie. I told him to just go in the sage brush. He attempted several times, but he kept looking around like someone was going to get him, then he would hear the gun shots and hurry and pull his pants back up. This happened many times, and I finally asked, "what are you afraid of, why don't you just hurry up and go?", He patted his manhood and replied "Do rabbit's eat these?"


Craig said...

If the rabbits didn't get him the cactus would. Not sure I would like either!

mom Tolmanb said...

Oh, I feel for him!!! Poor Walker!

christy jensen said...

That made me laugh out loud! That's one for the book. Lisa is pretty upset that you killed 50 rabbits and she has given strict orders to stay away from hers! But I'm pretty sure she was ok about the snake.

Kindall Klan said...

quinncy had the same reaction as Lisa, but it's ok with me right now if you come hunt Button (our vampire bunny :)