What in the world have we done wrong? We've raised our kids to be good responsible human beings. We've tried to teach them right from wrong. And then comes Walker. It is such a heart break to a parent when a child goes astray. And at such a young age too. But to "diss" on our beloved Cougars and talk smack about them is just over the top. And then, the straw that breaks the camels back is...dare I say it? He is a Boise State Fan. It cuts deep. We've tried to turn him back to the light side. And I blame all of this on his uncle, Craig Morrison. We were driving through Boise a few weeks ago and passed the Boise State Football Stadium. He said,'Will you please take me there?" Kevin abruptly said,"No, I am not taking you there." Walker replied," Uncle Craig would take me." Good for Dear Old #%*@! Uncle Craig. Then I thought I would use some reverse psychology on him and buy him a Boise State hat. He was so excited that he forgot to say thank you.(Just like a Bronco Fan!) Kelby said," What do you say Walker?" He quickly replied very loudly, "THANK YOU UNCLE CRAIG!!!" I can't win!
First of all-WHEN WERE YOU GOING THROUGH BOISE??????? I eventually find out you know!!haha And go Walker!!Go Broncos. love it!! Send him up here to go with Michael. ha
that's hilarious.
That is so dang stinkin' funny! Thanks I needed the laugh
He is just a smart kid and knows that Boise state is so much better than BYU. I mean, look at the rankings right now. Isn't BYU 21st after their huge defeat the other day?
Such a cutie. Can just hear him now. Boise...................STATE. Uncle Craig has brainwashed. Love mom
Wendy, I just happened across your blog and I can't believe how big Walker is! Time does fly. :) I loved running into your girls this summer they are beautiful.
Hope all is going well with your family. :)
YEAH!!! At least one out of your family will be on my side cheering against BYU! haha!! I still love you guys though!!
Just noticed this... did it appear to you that when you make a post on your blog that all the letters are orange and blue?
Go Broncos!
hahahahahahahha Im sorry Kevin that you have to deal with this. Jale kade is already saying that he wanted to go to Boise St for college. That's the only football team he will watch on TV. LOL its all uncle Craig's fault.
You know (I thought I added my comment here) even though parents try to lead their kids astray sometimes they just know better and turn out great dispite the teachings of their parents! GO BSU!!
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