Once again we have our General Conference tradition. Every Conference the girls seem to think it is their bi-yearly opportunity to do Kevin's hair(which opportunities are getting fewer every year). Many of you may deem this an unworthy activity for conference. I'm here to tell you there are plenty of spiritual lessons learned here. For example, in 1Nephi 16:18, Nephi broke his "bow". In 2 Nephi 13:24 "Instead of well set hair, baldness." And how about Leviticus 13:3 "...and the hair in the plague is turned white." Let us not forget 1 Peter 3:3, "...let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting of the hair." And one that hits close to Kevin's heart, D&C 84:80, "...and a hair of his head shall not fall to the ground unnoticed." We then can move on to several other worhty topics such as patience,suffering, afflictions, enduring to the end. The list really is endless. What can I say?.... We are teaching our children such valuable lessons. And the moral of the story is..."Hair today.....gone tomorrow!"
I have been WAITING and checking often for this blog post! Looks good.
Kevin - it looks like you are enjoying yourself just a bit!! Should we be worried?? LOVE the foofy one right in the middle of your forehead! Wendy (?) good job on the scripture chase!!
You are such a good dad!!!!!! Love ya Aunt Sherie
Love it!! We used to do that to my dad too...except it was usually every Sunday! I remember one time the Stake Pres. came to the house to see my dad and his head was full of bows and ponytails...too funny!! What an awesome tradition! Keep it up!! I think we should start that with Rich! Thanks for the idea...
I found your blog through Nicki's and thought I'd see whats going on in the Morrison house. This is one I had to tell Levi to come and see. All he said was that he's glad his girls aren't old enough to think of doing that yet. What a good sport!
Good job girls. Now you know what Grandpa had to go through with 5 sisters. You are a cutie pie Kev. Good scripture chase Wendy. Love mom
I'm actually speechless.
There have been many traditions your family has started that our family has adopted... this will not be one of them!
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