We decided it was time for a new dog, so we searched on the internet and we found him in the ksl classifieds. This week I flew home from Denver into the Salt Lake Airport and I went and picked him up on my way home. The kids had no idea so they were pretty excited. If you are wondering where we got the name......Craig taught me that a name should always have meaning. Well, I picked the puppy up on Pioneer Day, July 24th, in the Salt Lake Valley, so I thought it appropriate to name him Brigham.
I was looking for a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, and Brigham is a mix between a yorkie, and the King Charles. He is now about 2 lbs and probably won't get much bigger. Probably 4 lbs as an adult. He's very lovable and likes to cuddle. He's just like having a new baby in the house however.
I'm looking forward to this fall when I can start training him to hunt pheasants.
First of all. Thanks a lot. Now my kids are searching on the internet for dogs 24/7. All I hear is "Why do they get a dog? When can we have a dog? Pleeeeaaassee?" Second of all. Adorable puppy and the name is even better. Clever I tell you. Just dang clever.
I'm with KaeLynn. So cute.He probably even has genelogy! You'll have to start a baby book and put in there how he got his name. I wonder how many nick names Craig will give him. ha Aunt Sherie
As the days go by, the less cuter he gets. I forgot how much I hate house breaking a dog.
AH! what a cutie-will he mind if I call him Ute or something other than Brigham-he would probably be better behaved! Greg has always wanted a King Charles.
I would expect that comment coming from you Amy. We are training him to be a ute watch guard.
Is his name "mud" yet?
Super-cute puppy!! Housebreaking is a pain - get that baking soda out!
soooo cute!!
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