That's right I, Kylee Morrison, rode a bull!!! Yes it was only a yearling but indeed a bull. My mom of course was freaking out and in tears and I feel bad I had her to that point, but it was a BLAST! It was the night of Gymkhana(sp?) and there were 12 kids ridingand I was the only girl, although that didn't stop me. Well anyway I was back in the shoots getting ready with Colton Bedke there giving me a quick tutorial of what to do and not to do. I can't remember everyone who was around me getting me on the bull but I do remember asking what to do if I stayed on for 8 seconds... The response I got was you won't have to worry about that. Well, I proved them all wrong! I did stay on for the whole whopping 8 seconds and ended up finishing in 2nd:) but I really wanted to get first so I could have the belt buckle. Oh well, I'm not complaining. It was definitely the ride of my life and I would so do it again if I had the chance. Can I say adrenaline rush... I also have some nice little marks on my leg. I hope they scar:D The Bull also ripped open my jeans with his horn. It was amazing. Well my prize for second ended up being a cheesburger and fries from the cook shack... not as cool as the belt buckle I might add but I have bragging rights thats for sure. Well I'm all alive and well... Love you all, Ky
Kylee, I would be in tears too if I was your mom. What a worry! Can't wait to hear how it changes when you're a mom!! haha But I'm proud of you also. so glad youre safe. Aunt Sherie
Freakin' awesome! That's all I have to say. Way to go! Plus, you're mom would have cried if you were riding a cat. She's just that way :0
good job Ky!! Way to show those boys!
Well I guess I have a typo... My dad informed there were around 15 people... haha even better:D
good job ky.love whit
Wow Ky, you are so brave. Good thing you had a helmet on. Save the jeans he tore, they are precious. So's your leg. Love grandma M.
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