#1. Sorry Family that the reunion didn't make number one, but the US Open in San Diego was a once in a lifetime event that I had to rank at the top of my summer. Thank you to my wife for surprising me last winter with this great trip.

#2 We had a great Family reunion in Oakley this summer, always fun to be with all the family. Steadman's was a hit, and I still can't believe we got mom to go down the waterslide.
#3 The kids have been working all year on the Youth Cultural Celebration, celebrating the dedication of the Twin Falls Temple. We appreciated all their hard work and especially their leaders time and expense they sacrificed. It was a great event and had an opportunity to listen to the Prophet and then perform for him.

#4 We went to McCall for the Idaho Funeral Service Convention and we stayed at the main lodge on the Payette Lake. Rooms were great, and you couldn't beat the atmosphere. Kids had a great time playing in the lake catching minnows. Wish Kylee and Kelby were there with us, but they were at a dance camp.

#5 4-wheeling. We've been on quite a few trips this summer. This is a picture of Ky and I on her very first date. We rode up through the city of rocks and then ate at a steak house for lunch. Wendy and I did this several times this year and we love getting out on the 4-wheelers.
Thanks for reliving the summer for us. They are great pictures. Thanks, Love you guys. Love mom
I am speechless. It kind of makes me want to live my life over and do some things differently. Thanks Kevin and fam for sharing with the rest of us that didn't get to do all those fun things. Aunt Sherie
Boy I miss Idaho!
Oh,your missionary, Elder Tanner is from my home ward here in Gilbert, AZ. His mom is my visiting teacher and we had a big long talk today about Oakley and I gave her my copy of the Church News. Cool,huh?!
OH MY GOSH!! I had to write you guys, don't know if you remember me. My name is Olivia, I am Rich and Katie Tolman's daughter from Moses Lake. I use to babysit for you guys occasionally and my wonderful little sisters use to be in Wendy's dance group. Well I thought I would say hi, and I'm glad to see everyone doing so well!
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