Well it's for sure we are going to state in basketball. It's pretty cool to be going in three different sports this year: Football, wrestling, and basketball. Wrestling state is coming up this week. We have 5 out of 6 boys going. That's really good. Then our basketball team won the other day assuring their position. They will go to state the next week. So me being a cheerleader allows me to go to all of them :) Which means not very much school :) Cheer leading has been a blast this year. I'm sad it's almost over. It's been a great year for all sports. Hopefully it will get even better next year. Well I will update on how the sporting events go. As for now... GO HORNETS!
have a great week-end
what some cute cheerleaders. Yes, you have had a great year. we are proud of you kids. Keep up the good work. We love you, grandma
You are so awesome! Keep up the posts. You may need to retrain your dad.
Ya know, we were just talking the other night about how a game against Oakley and Burley would turn out. I said I'd like to see that Pickett boy or Mitch Bedke try to take on Colton Moon or Ben Searle :-)
Congrats though, that'll be fun to go - we're going to our state comp. next week too - 43 game win streak baby! GO BOBCATS!
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