We are enjoying our favorite time of year. It is extremely busy, but we make time for our traditions. After Thanksgiving we have a decorating the tree party. We've been doing this since we were married. Walker has been asking, " how many more sleeps until Christmas" since the middle of November. He's already seen Santa 3 times and has asked for something different each time. Whitney doesn't want much, just a real puppy and a real laptop. Wendy has been busy making Christmas Goodies for the neighborhood and then some. The girls have been performing, and I have been coaching. Looking forward to being with all the family for the Holidays.
And a BIG Thank You! for those goodies you sent around, they are wonderful! It sure has Christmas in the air when you look outside. I had better get busy...love ya, Aunt Oma,Linda and Uncle LoLo,Larry
Thanks for the update! Looks like Christmas at your house! Ours is coming along - Thanks soooo mucho for those cute measuring cups and goodies - and especially for the visit! Love you so much!!
Which do I comment on first, the fact that you have been so busy you havn't called your big brother, or that your tree isn't blue and orange. Oh- and where is the BSU football helmet decoration for the tree. Now that is off my chest... glad to see all is well, happy holidays and can't wait to see you all. I love you brother!
Your blog looks very festive. It is exciting getting ready for the big day. Love this time of year. Mostly getting ready for the big day and having the celebrations in between. Thanks for coming to Orem and visiting us. Although BYU took over, we didn't get to visit very long. It was fun while it lasted though. Loved the pictures. Love mom
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