Kevin is in Colorado so I guess I will respond to the tag. We don't have six contacts. What's our problem? So I tag the whole Morrison gang. We need to add some contacts. We are seriously lame!
Here goes......
1. I am obsessed with walking. I wear my pedometer everyday. It's a sickness I know. I too am an all or nothing personality. I can't do anything halfway or I just won't do it. I am trying to work on that though. Anyway, last Christmas KaeLynn got a pedometer for Christmas and was telling me how great it worked to motivate. Well, because of some horrible back issues I had not been exercising at all and feeling more and more horrible everyday. So I thought, what the heck. I hurt whether I am exercising or not. So I took the leap. It's amazing. I feel so great. My back is so much better. Still hurts, but I couldn't even roll over in bed without waking up in pain. And the bonus was that I lost weight. I can't believe how well this has worked for me. I know for some it hasn't worked as well. I think you have to be OCD to really be successful with the pedometer. And I am the Queen of OCD.
2. I love Christmas. I have 4 full size Christmas trees that I put up in my house. Kevin thinks I'm insane. Where on earth would he ever get an idea like that? I have one in the front living room, one in the main family room, one in the downstairs family room and one in......yes, the bedroom. It's very romantic. We start listening to Christmas Music and watching Christmas Shows on Nov. 1st. I Christmas Shop all year. The day after Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year. Yes, I am one of those freaks that get up at 4:00 a.m. and love every minute of it. I do the 24 days of Christmas for my kids(just little things like candy or a pencil or something like that) And I do the 12 days of Christmas for Kevin. We've been together for almost 17 Christmases and have done it since the beginning. There is an original poem for everyday that goes with a gift. So I have written 192 poems for Kevin since we have been married. I love it. He is the most amazing person.
Thank heavens that Kevin is almost as big of a Christmas freak as I am. It would be very sad to not be able to share the excitement. Kevin still can't sleep on Christmas Eve. We get up at 5:00 am. (Growing up, my family got up at 3:00am.) We are very lucky that both of our parents love the holidays so much. Christmas Eve is our favorite time. We have a big dinner and then we do the Nativity with handmade puppets that Deb made for me a few years ago. They are a treasure. There is a script from the scriptures along with songs. What a beautiful time. Then of course there are the new pajamas that the kids act surprised about. Heavy sigh! I love Christmas.
3. I love shooting action Photography. I love most all photography, but I love doing the action stuff. My favorite is football. I have started shooting some for the Times News and the South Idaho Press. I shoot all of Oakley's football games. What a riot. I am still learning alot. I've been doing this for 4 years and still feel like I will never get completely comfortable with my knowledge. But I do love it. I started doing the football last year. I owe Craig alot for all the help and patience he has shown me.
4. I'm scared to death of Dogs, Bees(hornets,wasps etc.), and spiders.
5. I am a professional shopper. It is also a sickness. You thought I was joking about the OCD.
I know how much everything costs, who has the lowest price. I never pay full price for anything. It's pretty sad that something I am so good at does not promote world peace or something substantial. I guess we can't all be Al Gore. And yes, that was said with a heaping dose of sarcasm.
6. Lately, I have really been into the family preparedness issue. I'm not in panic mode, just motivated. We have along way to go, but it feels so good to look at the shelves and see them slowly filling up. Which is also tough, because remember... I am one of those all or nothing kind of people. Have a great day!
I love my pedometer too!! Neil recently got one and now we are in competition with each other :) He even made us wicked Excel spreadsheets were we keep track of our totals. It is color coded & involves line graphs & bar graphs. So fun!!
Had to laugh at the Christmas obsession - I start the music and movies as soon as Halloween is over and I have about 3 full size trees and several smaller ones - just no home big enough to put them all up - we always have one in each bedroom though - so fun - I also share the anti-bees and spider feeling!
You got that OCD thing right! She's not kidding people....she walks ALL the time. I don't think I have seen her sit still. Whether it's laundry, dishes, whatever - she prances while she does it.
And the Christmas thing - I am so jealous. I wish I could get that motivated to get all the fun stuff out. We do a tree, but that is the extent of it. Oh yah - some outside lights too.
You're good at whatever you just keep doing it :)
Wendy-- you make me tired!, really, you make me very tired!
PS: nice picture
Crystal a little OCD too? You motivated me again Wendy....I pulled the old pedometer out of the junk drawer!
she says she puts up the christmas trees?......I'm the one that has to drag them down from the attic.
I do love the christmas poems.
I'm in my hotel in Denver right now, and I think I can hear Wendy walking around in her kitchen.
I love the "tagged" thing. Maybe you guys could write for me. hee hee. You guys make me tired. Dad is putting up the christmas lights as we speak, around the halloween decorations ha ha. Kind of getting mixed up in holidays. Love momc
Ok, ok, ok, I'll go get my pedometer on, you make me feel guilty. Thanks Wendy!
Love the trees and decor. Well, I see I need to get started now just to keep up. Love ya, aunt Linda
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