Just got back from Denver today. This is a picture of the security lines in Denver. Must be summertime. The week went well, except for getting food poisoning. It was a good thing I had a GPS, so I could find an emergency bathroom exit while I was traveling.
Food poisoning? Are you kidding me? I am so sorry. And airports stink - that's all there is to it. Hope all is better now.
What food poisoned you? How long did it take you to get through the lines? DETAILS, man DETAILS :)
I say mother and daughter think alike. I'm with Mistie in questions.Only one more question. Where were you when you got sick? I am so sorry too. That must have been the pits. Then getting sick away from home.!!!!!!! Hope you are feeling better. Love ya Aunt Sherie
Thanks for your concern...I didn't want to bore everyone with the details. I went to a local burger shop by my hotel and had a burger and a hot dog. About 3:30 that next morning a swore I would never have another hotdog the rest of my life. I didn't eat anything the next day. I made it through my appointments, but was not easy. I'm doing better now, but still having stomach aches.
As far as the line. I was able to make it through in time to catch my flight. Glad I was there an hour and a half early.
What a travelen man. Thanks for calling us on your way home and giving us the news. Sorry you were sick and hope you are feeling better. We are home now and so now we feel better. We will go back early early monday morning and stay the week again. Thanks sister Sherie for calling me also. Hope things are going better with you. Kevin, stay in Oakley for a few days so you can get well again. Love mom
When John Denver wrote of the "rocky mountain high", he was referring to the high levels of bacteria in the food. Sorry you didn't know that earlier.
In fact... he had just eaten a hotdog and hamburger just before he took off in his airplane... I'm just glad you were driving.
Sorry to hear about the food poisoning big brother. that must have been awful trying to get through meetings. Reading your blog made me have giardia backflashes. Miserable stuff.
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