Kylee Turned 15 today. I can't believe it. We hope this next year goes a little slower. We're not sure we are ready for her to be 16.
Wendy and I took her to Chinese for her birthday lunch, topped off with a trip to Walmart (nobody should have to go to Walmart on their birthday).
That evening we went and weeded beets at the church farm. Brought back a lot of memories of how I used to spend my summers. Except that I didn't have a 4 year old on my

After the beet's, Kylee had some friends over for cake and ice-cream. I then took her and Kelby and a couple of friends to the late show to see Pirates. We weren't too impressed with the movie, but the company was good. We got home at 1:30 a.m., the kids were tired the next morning, because they had to get up and go pull rye out of David Critchfield's grain field. It was one big allergy fest.
What a big girl....I mean young woman :) She's just too beautiful for words!
Kylee - we hope you had a great birthday. We thought about you a lot.
Happy Birthday Kylee!
We felt the same way about Pirates...
Cubby Birthday 2U!
Happy Birthday to you Ky! Sweet 16 and never been kissed???? Love grandma
oops 15 right?? type error. love grandma
Time flyes on wings of lightning, you cannot call it back.....so enjoy this year. Happy Birthday
Love, aunt Linda
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