I really hate to rub it in to all of you but we had a lovely evening tonight with Mom and Dad. We invited them over to play cards and have popcorn. They said yes and then we asked them to bring the cards and the popcorn.
The pictures are out on our deck.The game is Black Magic. I don't get it.
Mom was happy as heck that I took her picture, you know how she loves that and then the other picture is of Dad pouting because he lost at Russian Rummy
again. (Just kidding Pops!)
Mom and I skunked Dad and Kevin at Sequence.
It was a great way to spend a Sunday evening after a hectic day.
All of us, except Kevin went over to Acequia to my nephew Jordan's farewell.
He goes into the MTC on Wednesday. He is going to Tampa Bay Florida.
Jordan is my sister Leslie's youngest son. Anyway, it was alot of fun to see alot of my family today.