I thought I would blog my training so I could look back and see if I have made any progress, or at least discourage anybody else from trying.
This week was my first week of 20 miles. 3 on Monday, 4 on Tuesday, 3 on Friday, and 7 today. I will try to do all my long runs on Saturday. 7 is considered a long run at this point, but in a couple months, 7 will be considered a short run.
I ran with Tom Nilsen, who seemed to push me. Especially the first 4 miles. I was struggling to keep up, but mile 5 and 6 were a slower pace thankfully. I was feeling pretty good except for my knees were a little sore on this run. I was telling Tom (who is a physical therapist) and he said I had TMB. Immediately I was a little concerned wondering if I was going to have to have surgery or something. I said, "what is that?", he said "Too Many Birthdays".
I felt pretty good during mile 6 and most of mile 7. I struggled with the finish up hill and into the wind. At this point still wondering how I could ever go 19 more miles. Makes me want to cry just typing the number 19 more. I think what is more discouraging than that is this run I ran will soon be a short run during the week.
Finished with an ave. 10:16/mile. It is nice to have company on a run, even though I can only listen cuz I'm way out of breath to do any talking. My official 16 week program doesn't start until June 1st but I will try to keep up this schedule over the next few weeks.